Holy Spirit Conference via Livestream
This is just for us to a get a feel for whom will attend so we can plan accordingly.   Radiant is covering the cost this conference, though we may want to pool money to order a few pizzas together! We understand that not everyone will be able to attend the entire conference -- but you are welcome you to join the sessions that work for you.  We will be using Modesto Covenant's (913 Floyd Ave) front room for this event -- more information to come.  Kids are welcome to come too but supervision of children will be parents' responsiblity.  

Friday | 2/7/25

6:30 pm | Session 1 - N.T. Wright 

Saturday | 2/8/25

9:00 am | Session 2 - N.T. Wright 

10:35 am | Session 3 - Tim Mackie 

12:30 pm | Lunch Break

2:00 pm | Session 4 - N.T. Wright & Tim Mackie 

3:30 pm | Workshop: Prophecy Training with Gerald Griffin & Tyler Staton

6:30 pm | Session 5 - Gemma Ryan 

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